Setting and tracking your goals using predictive dashboards, including how to choose the right metrics to track, how to interpret and analyze your data, and how to use your insights to adjust your strategy and achieve your goals faster.
Historical data creates bias. Predictive dashboards are built on assumptions. But how can we challenge those assumptions. Think Uber
Pre-work required: List the five key metrics and check-in rhythms that are currently measured on an individual and organisational level. List whether these are leading or lagging indicators
Learning segment: Interrogating Google’s effective methods of OKR implementation, and focusing on how to identify and quantify important objectives, and then implement lead measures that will drive behaviour forward
Kitchen Cabinet: Report in on first steps to overhaul or reaffirm dashboard management in organisation
Outcomes: Understand, quantify and implement lead objectives and measures. Implement holistic dashboards with a focus on predictive lead measures